Monday, September 10, 2012

T.O. Guy

I found this sort of cute little guy in a laneway in Kensington Market wearing his T.O. hat and backpack so he may be a tourist. T.O. is our abbreviation for Toronto but I'm not totally sure if it stands for Toronto Ontario or it's just Toronto with the middle cut out. Either way I like this guy - he looks a bit like someone that I know! I was unable to find out who the artist is.
Taking part in Monday Murals. Click here for more murals.


  1. I hope you don't tell the person you know that he looks like this fella!

  2. hmmm, as a piece of graf art I like it. as a piece of humanity, not so sure!

  3. Fun and funky pic. Looks like a Toronto backpacker heading to the wilderness. Needs some help from a fashionista and a dentist! :-)

  4. He's so ugly he's handsome. Yes, T.O. is short for Toronto.

  5. I know someone that looks like him too! :D

  6. He is funny, although he might need a bit of dental work. ;)

  7. Some of these artists would make very talented cartoonists, Pat!

  8. Red, if you're calling him cute, might I recommend an optometrist? Really! :D

  9. Looks like he has a bit of attitude. :))

  10. I hope the guy who looks like him doesn't read your blog today. Your friend count might decline by one.

  11. What an amazing and colorful shot !! Lovely post !!

    Unseen India

  12. I like this guy. Reminds me of some of the old blokes down at the local pub!
