Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Goose Crossing

I was traveling through an industrial area of the city and was surprised to come upon this sign warning of a goose crossing area, the first sign of this type I've seen. So of course I pulled over to catch this shot and look for some geese but could find no evidence of any. It's nice that the city put the sign up to keep the little ones safe!
Taking part in Signs, Signs. Click here for more signs.


  1. Lovely! I've never found one here.

  2. I love this. It made me think of the time I was on a very busy street here in Phoenix and the car in front of me came to a complete stop in a strange place. I wondered what was going on and then suddenly saw a mamma duck and her babies marching across the street. When they got to the center median, I was so afraid the cars on the other side would hit them but, they all stopped to. The fun thing was that not one person got impatient or honked a horn. We all just watched and waited till they got to the other side.

  3. this is cute. makes me think that urban geese have much smaller families, though!

  4. I'm guessing his sign is near High Park or Lake Ontario.

  5. Awww -- sweet of the City. Hope it works. One time in Florida we saw a mother duck and ducklings walking right down the middle of a busy street; sure hope they made it.

  6. It is nice to see how patiently drivers will wait to let a goose or duck family cross.

  7. Oh this one is a responsible sign, keeping watch of urban geese is so touching.


  8. Cute sign and lovely that people obey it.

  9. I have seen duck signs in my world but not goose signs! I think it is good to see such signs protecting the wildlife in some way!

  10. Seeing as that's Toronto, it must be an upscale domesticated goose crossing, and not for those pesty Canada's! :D

  11. We could definitely use some of those signs here. The Canadian Geese love our community.

  12. Can't help but wonder if this sign does any good re human drivers. I saw the remains of a bird on the golf course, this morning, probably leftover from a coyote attack. I'd guess one of these signs would not deter a coyote, though.

    We've also had a lot of Canadian geese flying overhead. Are things cooling off up thataway or are they just lost?

  13. Shows a respect for the lives of our feathered friends, good on the city!

  14. I like animal crossing signs.

  15. This is one of the weirdest things I have seen! Geese?

  16. i haven't seen any warning signs for animal crossing here. it's always a pleasant surprise when i see one abroad or in blogs.:)

  17. Perhaps its only enforceable at Christmas?! ;-)

  18. I love finding odd signs like this

  19. What a priceless sign. Just love it!!!!

  20. Nice one Red Pat. One animal sign we have near here is to beware of the Frogs crossing the road! During mating season only I believe!

  21. Nice one Pat! I love it when a family of duck or geese cross and all the drivers are so patient,

  22. I love it! We have them here too, but they are for ducks.

  23. Love the sign, but I believe all the Canada Geese now live in the San Francisco Bay Area. Weather is nicer, and not so much work to get home. I encountered at least 2-300 on my bike ride yesterday :-).

  24. Nice! We have them here too. But also wombat crossing signs! :-)

  25. I've seen this sign in Upstate New York but I don't think I ever seen this sign in Ontario.

  26. Fantastic! We've got similar signs for ducks in places downunder where they're known to nest!! Although it's odd they don't have them for other birds!!

  27. Cute! We need that sign on my road. Sometimes the geese stand in the road and block the way! Fortunately local residents know to expect this.
