Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Swans A Swimming

This was the scene down at the lakeshore of Lake Ontario last week before we started our present stretch of day after day of rain. I have never seen so many swans in one location before and can only assume that they were stopping off on their way south for the winter. They  were all along the beach preening and mucking about in the shallow water looking for food. I hope they got past the Hurricane Sandy pathway before this week! That is our ever present CN Tower in the background.


  1. this is one thing I like about winter here - more swans!

  2. Smart swans, it's a nice place to make a stop. ;-)

  3. Nice shot, flocks of Whooper and Bewick swans are starting to arrive in the UK for winter just now.

  4. I don't know where they go in the winter. We don't seem to have many swans around here. Mostly Canadian geese! Have you been buffeted around a bit by Sandy?

  5. The storm blew alot of things around in my yard. I think it even took some of the squirrel nests down. Luckily no real damage though.

  6. I bet the trees don't look nearly so full now!

  7. What a pretty shot of the lake, the swans and the tower. I actually saw some photos on line today of the torrents of rain you have been getting from the likes of Sandy. Stay safe!

  8. Those two on the front left look like Tundra Swans, a.k.a. Bewick's, the same as the youngster I posted the other day.

    And it's hard to go wrong with a shot of the tower.

  9. Lots to see and admire in this shot, the CN Tower is always worth a photo and the swans make the shot!

  10. At least they are smarter than the Canada geese. The swans know they are suppose to fly south for the winter.

  11. How beautiful they are! I wish we had swans here.

  12. It's nice to see the white swans Pat, these days here in Perth I always seem to see the black swans. Great shot with the tower in the background.

  13. Some swans stay here all year as long as they can find open water. I wonder if these will sty.

  14. Gosh yes I hope the swans didn't blow away and I guess you didn't have any serious problem apparently. Just lots of rain it sounds like.

  15. Seems to be that time of year, lots of birds in local water areas here too, never thought about the migration pattern, I am sure you are right. Gorgeous birds aren't they.
