Wednesday, November 21, 2012

"Acts Of Sweetness"

Redpath Sugar company not only had a float in the Santa Claus Parade but they also had this cute little truck (with decorations) in the parade as well. It is a 1947 Divco (Detroit Industrial Vehicle COmpany) truck like the ones that were commonly used to deliver milk when we still had milkmen. The trucks were made from 1926 until 1986 and this one was completely restored by Redpath to use as a promotional vehicle at many events. A lot of people were taking pics of it besides me!
Taking part in Signs, Signs. Click here for more signs.


  1. Great find. I don't know the name Divco, bu I certainly recognize the form. And i'd be in the line of photo shooters.

  2. Fantastic looking vehicle!

  3. I had never heard of the Divco name before so I learned something new with this post. What a cute vehicle. And, I'm old enough to remember when the milkman delivered milk to the house.

  4. I have never seen such a truck. This is wonderful! I do remember milkmen, though, delivering to the door. Bottles of milk and we'd leave the empties to be picked up with the next delivery.

    That was looooong ago!

    Does RedPat have any connection to Redpath? :-)

  5. This is a real sweet photo. Red Path Sugar is located at 95 Queens Quay East, Toronto. They used to have tours. I'm not sure if they still do.

  6. Looks like one of the toy cars I used to play with many years ago!

  7. Cute truck! I think this should be your own personal vehicle! :)

  8. Back in the 1950s and 60s dairies used Divco trucks just like this to deliver milk house to house where we lived near Chicago. Always loved the way they looked.

  9. How cute! They should have taken a photo of you behind the wheel!

  10. We still have a milkman thank goodness - he only delivers three days a week and in about an hour he'll be knocking on the door for his money.

  11. this is so cute! makes people nostalgic i'm sure.:p

  12. Finally we get to see your truck ;))

  13. Adorable! Seems early for a Santa parade though? ;-)

  14. Sugar white wrapped in red bows..'sweet' shot Pat.

  15. oh, good for you. I have seen this truck before and have a photo that I keep thinking I will use, but it is buried in my archives! I didn't know what kind of truck it was.

  16. Absolutely fabulous. Love the juxtaposition of old truck and Facebook.

  17. This makes me feel soooo nostalgic. :)

  18. I can see why people would want to take pictures of it!
