Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Frida & Diego

This is one of the posters leading the way into the current show "Frida & Diego   Passion, Politics, & Painting" which is currently at the AGO (Art Gallery of Ontario). This wonderful show features over 80 paintings and works on paper by Frida Kahlo & Diego Rivera, probably the most famous of Mexican artists, as well as more than 60 photos of the couple. There is also a slide show of some of Rivera's famous murals. For more info on the show click here.
Taking part in Signs, Signs. Click here for more signs.


  1. Watched a film about them recently - they led a tempestuous life.

  2. If I lived in T.O. that show woul be on top of my list of "things to do". Lucky you!

  3. Fascinating couple, visited their "adjoining" home in Mexico City a few years back - gave new meaning to "living together, and yet apart". Sounds like a great show.

  4. She was a bave woman and a very talented painter!
    I'd love to see this exhibition. :)

  5. I love the shows the AGO puts on. Will have to check this one out. :)

  6. I am not a big fan of her paintings - but they did live an interesting life!

  7. Very interesting. I think the message on the poster is true of many artists...they feel this inner compulsion to create and it's what they must do or else it's despair and defeat.

  8. Like Paul said, would be a must see. Hope you get chance to take a look.

  9. I would love to have seen that show. Great poster.

  10. Interesting facial expression on her face! Dramatic sign!

  11. Looks well worth a visit!

  12. I really need to learn more about this artist....she is very captivating.

  13. A very interesting, talented couple. I loved the biographical film about her life.

  14. This exhibition I would love to see Pat.

  15. I've heard the Gallery is doing a show from them...

  16. Wow, I'd love to see this show, maybe you can go secret agent style and get some pics,,,
