Monday, November 5, 2012

The Junction Mural

I discovered this wonderful mural in The Junction which is what you would call an up and coming area of the city that seems to have restaurants and small independent stores opening at a tremendous pace. I've written about the area a couple of times that you can see if you click the Junction label below. What really makes this mural special is that it depicts the West Toronto Station that was built in 1911 but demolished in 1982 despite a lot of effort put into a campaign to save it. There are very few of these old small stations left in the city. The artist for this mural is p4design.onsugar.
Taking part in Monday Murals. Click here for more murals.


  1. Things have changed for the best but it's a pity we don't have many old stations anymore.
    Nice mural1 ;-)

  2. Great mural! It looks an awful lot like the "Junction" in my hometown of Kingston, which isn't surprising as it was the train station also.

  3. Very nice mural I like the design of the text.

  4. This mural looks fairly new. At the present time I am trying to locate old train stations and photography them when I in the area.

  5. Oh very clever, the station looks like a train passing by on the tracks, great find RedPat.

  6. Neat mural - not like the usual fare. Good point regarding baseball on my MM post.

  7. Hard to believe that an old time station like that lasted until 1982. Shame that by then they didn't realize what a treasure it must have been. At least it is captured on canvas.

  8. Too bad the old station came down, it looks like it was really cute. Glad it still live on in mural form though!

  9. So, it's memory is preserved in this lovely mural.

  10. wonderful mural! I used to live in this are - it has certainly changed a lot since then!! I can just imagine how this station would have made a lovely cafe/gallery...

  11. That is absolutely gorgeous! Wow! What a stunning piece of art. I could stand and look at that for a long time!

  12. this is beautiful!.
    we have been embroiled in a decision regarding the Freeman Station here - where to put it, what to do with it, etc. it has gone on for years and in the meantime the building is deteriorating. but it is not nearly as nice as this one.

  13. Clearly the station is gone but not forgotten. Hopefully the city fathers have learned from past errors and will be a bit more disposed to preservation efforts. BTW, love the name chosen by the artist. Shows a sense of humor about himself. Thanks for contributing to Monday Mural.

  14. It is a lovely mural, but what a shame the station could not be saved.

  15. Nice mural and the colors are very retro.

  16. The Junction lives on!

  17. I love these old stations and cannot understand why city planners do not understand how important they are for tourism dollars as well as for nostalgic reasons.

  18. Its a fabulous mural Pat, for some reason as soon as I saw it it made me think of that very old TV serial,I think it was called 'At the Junction'..

  19. Toronto seems such a colourful city....I must visit!
