Saturday, December 8, 2012


I showed the door from one of the Munk School Of Global Affairs buildings yesterday and today this is a pic that I took last year of the enclosed arcade of the school's other building. This building was built in 1909 and designed by architect Eden Smith as 3 separate mens residences for U of T. In 2000, they were joined and remodeled by KPMB Architects (the same firm did yesterday's reno) to serve as the Munk School. This arcade was built along the side of the old structure with wonderful formal gardens out the windows on one side and the beautiful original red exterior on the other. I always love an arcade!


  1. Nothing like the arcades here in Rome at the Vatican...but this looks really lovely, it must be so nice to walk in this arcade. In Rome wherever you go you find people. You can't even enjoy the Vatican arcades because of the crowds. I am a new follower. My mom spent a whole summer studying Russian at the University of Toronto in the 70s, I will tell her to visit your blog. She is

  2. Net shot made even more interesting by the shadows and light.

  3. A great shot and one worth repeating several times with slight differences

  4. Although the Ocala Xmas parade was held last night, I didn't go. But I love a parade and like you, I love an arcade!

    This one looks especially nice...and warm on a cold day. Love that stone, too!

  5. Great place to stroll along, like the shafts of light pouring in too.

  6. I love this perspective and the figure at the end adds interest!

  7. Me too Red, especially if there's a lovely outlook.

  8. I'm also a sucker for arcades. You got this one perfectly with the light and shadows coming in. :)

  9. I always love an arcade too. Actually I've posted one today. :-)

  10. Quite a spot to photograph... or to write a scene in...
