Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Big Yellow Bird Part 2

This is the long second part of yesterday's mural that our big yellow bird is pointing to in yesterday's pic. A couple of other familiar cartoon characters have made an appearance here and there also seems to be some additional signatures on the wall so maybe UB5000 had some collaborators on this one. It's quite a wall and the home owners must have commissioned it since it is so large and so detailed.


  1. Great pic, Pat! Love those two birds who are very familiar! And, is that Yogi Bear at the end? I think so...

    Great mural!

  2. How fun, I see several initials, I am with you that this was done by more than one person. Love that the homeowners have a good sense of humor.

  3. Interesting that this could have been a commission. Nice way to earn a living!

  4. There certainly is a lot of detail here. Lots to see.

  5. I can't recall the name of that cat at the end, but the two crows are Heckyl and Jeckyl, if I'm not mistaken...

    Good shot!

  6. It is interesting, yes, but the idea that homeowners would commission it boggles my mind. The only rationale might be that in your city the wall is going to be painted up whether or not they give permission, so the owners decided to be proactive and get one that they liked before the vandals started.

  7. The cat at the end is named Snagglepuss.

  8. Another mural packed with detail and character(s)!

  9. Ha! I thought it wasn't Yogi but could n't remember who, thanks Randy!! It's a fantastic wall Pat, but is it really someone's home?
