Monday, December 3, 2012

Having A Party

I have discovered some more of the little yellow birds by artist UB5000 and this time he has combined them with an assortment of faces and little fishes too. The bird on the boombox reminds me of a happy DJ so it could be a party going on! I like the wee high five bird down in the bottom right.
Taking part in Monday Murals. Click here for more murals.


  1. I think the little yellow birds have taken over Toronto! This is a very 'cool' looking mural!

  2. That is one cool mural. He has some super talent.

  3. I like that strange little red outlined creature who has inserted himself between the faces on the bottom centre.

  4. I'm such a fan of yellow bird. I'm always amused by the little comic details the artist includes in his murals. But whose the dude that looks like Peter Lorre? Has me scratching my head. Thanks for contributing to Monday Mural.

  5. So so cute!!! Where did you find this one? :)

  6. A party for the yellow birds! Or maybe the yellow birds are hosting a party. But who are the people represented by the other faces? Partygoers!

  7. I've enjoyed seeing these murals with yellow bird. ;)

  8. Five seems to be a running theme in this mural, as well as the yellow bird of course!

  9. So, why are you painting yellow birds all over Toronto, Ms. UB5000?

  10. The artist has a great sense of fun. I'm becoming a fan of the yellow bird!

  11. Thanks to some artist you are having a yellow bird attack in your neighbourhood.

  12. I wonder if UB 5000 is just one step ahead of you all the time Pat haha!

  13. Another interesting mural. I love the little birds and the fish!

  14. As always, I love yellow bird, but all the faces really capture me on this one. Fabulous mural

  15. Oh those little yellow birds are certainly out and about! Recently heard a silly Italian song about a little yellow bird (and other animals) you may enjoy seeing! It's so bad, it's good :-)
