Sunday, December 16, 2012

Moore Once More

My last pic from the Henry Moore Sculpture Centre at the AGO. I was also surprised that I could take pics in here but there were no signs and I asked a guard who wandered through while I was there and he said it was fine. It really is a wonderful space in which to view these pieces - somehow the plaster works seem so personal as opposed to when they have been cast in bronze. 


  1. Again, cool reflections in the floor. Mr. Moore seems to think when it comes to heads, less is more! :-)

  2. Often the answer is 'no'. I don't see why not, especially with sculpture, and when it means that people are going to share artwork.

  3. The woman at the back looks very relaxed (and very recognisable for a Henry Moore!)

  4. In São Paulo there are only two museums I know I can take pictures (one is located at your favourite park); I always wonder why not when many famous museums in Europe, with an vast collection of antique art don't prohibit.

  5. Great shot, RedPat. I was thinking the same thing, that they look better in plaster.

  6. Alawys good when you're actually allowed to take photos in places like this!

  7. I agree, these would be the originals that the casts would have been moulded from right ? Really interesting. Its always a surprise and a treat when allowed to take photos, for us too Pat.

  8. I like the way some of shots have a warmer light and others are cooler. This is a really nice exhibit and it's good to see it again. :)

  9. Love that reflection! It adds an extra dimension to the enjoyment of his work.

  10. I agree with your statement about them being more personal in plaster than in bronze. It's so true. I really like the one in the background of this shot.

  11. This is my favourite shot of the Moore series. Wonderful!

  12. We have a bronze version of his seated woman on the right in our our National Gallery of Victoria sculpture garden. Great that you could take photos.
