Saturday, December 29, 2012

Pictures In The Snow

Everyone seemed to be carrying a camera or an i-phone to catch shots of the beautiful snowfall. This couple was following a route similar to mine as I wandered up the hill to Casa Loma and they probably took more pics than I did!


  1. Neat photo! I like taking hots of other people taking photos. :)

  2. It is lovely isn't it?!
    And to think it has been almost 2 years since we've had such loveliness :)
    I am about to set off on a winter wonderlust walk.....

  3. The snow is still lovely out our way, too.
    I love how the branches in your photo are still laden with snow.

  4. The first snows of the season are almost welcome. Emphasizing "almost." Later in the season they become pretty burdensome, don't they? That is why I escape them.

  5. We have a part near the ski basin where you will see people doing the same.

  6. Looks like they, and you, are enjoying the snow! It's a winter wonderland scene, not a flake here. Very windy and sunny!

  7. I always get a chuckle when a photographer takes a photo of another photographer. I've done it myself.

  8. All that fresh snow makes a perfect background for a nice winter photograph. And that applies doubly to your picture!

  9. Lovely shot. It's my favourite season of the year.

  10. I love all your snow pics. We only had one day of the white stuff while I was in Germany. One day it was 12 degrees!
