Thursday, December 6, 2012

Stainless "Chain"

This artwork of stainless steel cut to resemble a chain was designed by James McLeod and is suspended from a trellis in Massey Harris Park on King St W. The park is in the middle of what at one times was the huge complex of factory buildings of the Massey Harris company as well as its head office.  Today the factories have all been replaced by condos and even the old head office building is divided into lofts and so this small park gives all the residents a pleasant green space with grasses, small lawns, and even a splash pad. I have been back twice this week to try and catch  a shadow from this chain but the sun is not cooperating at all!


  1. The sun always comes out when you least expect it, then the darn thing never shines in the way you want it too... Lovely photo all the same.

  2. I was thinking how fabulous the shadows must be, sorry the sun didn't co-operate. It really is a gorgeous structure.

  3. I rather like this. Obviously, leading up to this chain of events, other things needed to occur. Such has a trellis had to be built. But you knew that! :-))

    That darn sun! But at least you have no harsh contrast and bad shadows!

  4. I meant to ask "What? You didn't get to ride in a limo on your sweet sixteen birthday party?"

  5. Nice artwork and nice angle RedPat

  6. Lovely shot! I'm not familiar with that part of town, so I'll have to see it for myself sometime.

  7. Hey, this is one that I like. Not sure you need the shadow. I like the way you did this one with a full frontal.

  8. The chains seem to go on for ever.

  9. Wow, very impressive!

  10. I will have to check this place out too! Love that chain, very creative!

  11. A new take on mail chain... 'air mail chain'.

  12. Looks good Par, I like the perspective you've chosen, shows the impressive size of the piece.

  13. I love it!
    Th first thing I thought when I saw this pic was "It would be so cool to play with the shadows..."! ;-)

  14. This is lovely and your perspective of it is just great!

  15. We sure do need some sun soon, me thinks.
