Monday, January 21, 2013

Black Squirrel

Bird feeders not only attract birds but also squirrels who will spend hours trying to figure out a method of reaching the feeders to eat all the sunflower seeds. This little guy finally gave up and was busy eating any tidbits that the birds dropped. Black squirrels are actually genetic variants of the Eastern Grey Squirrel but in the Toronto area they seem to be much more prevalent that their grey cousins!


  1. Cute little guy. We have more black squirrels than grey ones here in London too.

  2. This little squirrel is so cute!
    I hope he has found enough food! ;-)

  3. Love his bushy black tail, I was going to say I've never seen a black squirrel before Pat, but thinking about it I don't think I've seen any squirrels before!

  4. I have never seen a black squirrel, and had no idea they were variants of the Grey Squirrel, learn something new everyday. Thank you.

  5. Good shot!

    I do like them... except when they decide to take up residence in the walls of the house. Then they're a problem!

  6. Looks more like a little black piggy :)

  7. You know what. Ive never seen one of these before then i see one on your post and one on my TV in the same day. Crazy huh.
    Cool shot.

  8. Grey squirrels are really tame over here, especially this time of year. Cute shot.

  9. This is a first for me. I don't think I've ever seen a black squirrel before.

  10. We have a good mix in my neighborhood, but I hate them equally. ;)

  11. None of these guys in Connecticut. If I could ship all of the gray squirrels up to you, I would.

  12. It's very hard work for wild animals at this time of year, great shot!

  13. We have more black squirrels than grey here in East Gwillimbury too.

  14. Beautiful! Have never seen one of these.

  15. I have never seen a black squirrel before, this is lovely. You sure did took its photo up close....
