Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Red In The Snow

Happy New Year everyone and I hope it is going to be a good one for us all!
I am helping out my mum who has come down with a bad flu and so I haven't been able to visit everyone and I'm not sure when I will be finding the time but I will try to keep on posting a couple days in advance! I'll be visiting soon!


  1. That looks like a winter post card. The red is a great contrast.

  2. Beautiful!
    Best wishes for you and your mum!

  3. This is an appropriate way for Red Pat to begin the year. Hope your mother is well soon. And, you have my fond wishes for a happy, healthy and successful year in 2013.

  4. The red really shows up bright and colourful!
    Take care (of yourself and your mum)

  5. Red is a good color to wear when you are out in the snow. Best wishes to you and your mom! Hope she's better soon.

  6. P.S I hope your mom feels better soon.

  7. Hope your mum feels better soon. Beautiful shot to start 2013 - Happy New Year to you!

  8. Every time I see "red" things I think about you!
    For me, snowy shots are always so magical...
    Hope your mother gets better soon!
    I wish you and yours all the best in 2013!
    Happy New Year RedPat! :)

  9. Ooh, the red just jumps out. Happy New Year, Pat. Hope your mom feels better soon.

  10. The red really does add a big splash of colour! Hope your mum is feeling better very soon.

  11. The red does it. Another lovely winter photo. Best wishes to your mother for a quick recovery. Flu is especially no fun in the winter time!

  12. Hi Pat, here's wishing you a wonderful New Year, I hope your Mum feels better soon, some of the flu's going around can make you feel so ughy. Look after Mum and we'll catch up with you when you have more time. btw this image made me think of one of Virginia's 'Paris Rouge' images, love the splash of red.

  13. Nice dash of colour in with the snow, Pat!
