Friday, January 25, 2013

"We Buy & Sell Anything"

These 3 creatures crawl up the wall above the entrance to Active Surplus which has been located on Queen St West for over 30 years and has been in business since 1962. They aren't kidding when they say they have everything - you can easily spend hours rummaging through boxes of all sorts of things from electronic components to bowling pins. You can see how they have used their own stock to construct these wonderful creatures!


  1. Wow - the ultimate in recycling. Who wouldn't just love these guys, great, great advertising. It is fun picking out all the pieces they used to make them.

  2. Looks like a crazy place, in a good way!

  3. This is the most creative art work for a shop I've ever seen, loved them! ;-)

  4. I loved this place... now I have an itch to go back. It has been a few years.
    (those bowling pins for thighs is brilliant!!)

  5. I agree with Violet about the bowling pin thighs. Makes me wonder what they'd make out of bowling balls.

  6. Love these guys crawling the walls. Don't tell my husband about this place or he'll be there for hours. :))

  7. Oh my husband would probably never surface if he went into that store! Very clever use of parts -- I love the whimsy.

  8. This is fantastic. And my kind of shop. Love to rummage through varieties of different things. Great photo, Pat!

  9. These are really great. I especially like the guy with the bowling pin legs.

  10. Bowling pin thighs? These characters are brilliant.

  11. Love these kind of creepy, futuristic, man made sculptures Red. Nicely caught here.
