Friday, February 22, 2013

A Spot Of Flower Fun

It is really cold here this week and it is so wonderful to see the Amaryllis Christmas gifts coming to flower and giving us a hint of warmer times to come. I haven't seen this variety before - it is called "Dancing Queen" and is a real beauty and a double. I can never decide which colour I like the best but must admit that nothing can compare to a bright red Amaryllis!
Taking part in Today's Flowers. Click here to see more flowers.


  1. I DO love a flowering amaryllis this time of year!

  2. What a gorgeous flower! It's so full, with lovely colors.

  3. It's very beautiful and I like the fact that your photo is so well-exposed and nice and sharp!

  4. You managed to capture it very well, it's a beauty!

  5. I love amaryllis! This one is really beautiful. A little different than the typical all red.

  6. Gorgeous flower! You should link into Today's Flowers!

  7. Great pic of a lovely looking amaryllis.

  8. How gorgeous! Welcome to Today's Flowers. I really appreciate you sharing these with us. Would you like to be a Guest Friend on our home page sometime? If so there are details given at the site. Would love it if you would share more beautiful flowers. Hope you don't think I am being too pushy :)

  9. What a beautiful photo of that beautiful flower!
    I think it's the first time I see the Amarylis. ;-)

  10. This is beautiful, RedPat. Did you nurse it from bulb to bloom?

  11. I just saw one of these the other day. I could not believe how big they get.

  12. Beautiful photo of a beautiful flower.

  13. Oh my gosh, I love this. It makes me think of peppermint. And, I love the name "Dancing Queen". When I worked on that contract in Chicago, our group of people mostly from Arizona all had nicknames for ourselves and my nickname was Dancing Queen.

  14. This colour is gorgeous Pat, it's like candy on a stick!

  15. Gorgeous Amaryllis! I never saw this species either. Great shot.
