Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Downtown Neighbours

I thought I should show you a shot of the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) which sits diagonally across the intersection from the Church Of The Redeemer which I showed you on Sunday. This addition to the 1933 museum building, designed by Daniel Libeskind, couldn't be any more of a contrast to the Gothic Revival church. It makes for an interesting corner!


  1. I agree that this building sure does stand out. :)

  2. It looks like it fell from the sky and impaled itself in the road! Wonderful!

  3. I haven't been inside the building since the addition; when I lived in the area, I'd come to the ROM regularly growing up. Last time I was in Toronto, I was outside the museum looking up at the crystal, but I had a train to catch.

    That's one case where the architect got it completely wrong.

  4. Goodness, what a building, guess you either love it or hate it. I love it!

  5. It looks like origami.

  6. I love it! It's crazy but what great fun and right across from an old church. This thing can't be ignored - it's yelling "Look at me!" Wonderful!

  7. I really like this building for some reason.


  8. Its definitely an eye opener Pat, it reminds me a little bit of our new arena, what do you think?

  9. Wow, I would say so. What a combination of different architecture in such close proximity.

  10. This is quite a building. I think that I like it, but it is the kind of structure that I would need to see a few times before it all sinks in.

  11. It reminds me a bit of the The Frank Gehry-designed Walt Disney Concert Hall in LA. The Disney Hall is more curves, though while this is angles.

  12. I am sure this was an architects dream job. That is cool.
