Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Satin Finish

I was running errands in the north end of the Weston neighbourhood of Toronto on the weekend and just caught a glimpse of the trees at the edge of this sign which is located high on a silo on the grounds of Satin Finish Hardwood Flooring. Of course I made a detour to get a better view and discovered that the company has been in business here for more than 90 years since 1922 and still operates from this same location and is still Canadian owned. And a whole flock of birds was coming in for a landing atop the structure which was pure luck! 
Taking part in Signs, Signs. Click here for more signs.


  1. Wow, the biggest tin in the World! Great capture!

  2. Now that is such a great way to advertise Pat, brilliant spotting.

  3. I like signs like this. They really catch your eye!

  4. It's a good way of advertising.

  5. wow, 90 years in business--that is amazing. this is better than a billboard.:p

  6. That's one huge silo and sign!


  7. That is a long time to be in business. They must do quality work.

  8. That sure is a satin finish water tank! Huge!

  9. Pat -- your timing is amazing to catch the birds as well as the great sign! What a lovely shot. Wonderful for a local firm to be in business that long in the same place.

  10. You've got a photographer's eye...great composition! I've seen varnishes called Satin Finish but didn't know there was a company making hardwood floors called by that name. See, I learn something new from you just about every day!

  11. Now that is a sizable can of floor finish. Interesting.

  12. what a huge tin as my friend from llandudno has already said.

  13. and it has lights on it, so I assume it is illuminated at night? This is one part of the city I have never been to!

  14. oh now that is really cool, love it!

  15. A good way to advertize and not be obnoxious about it. I can think of many companies that only know how to do the latter.

    I probably have seen the building before....
