Monday, March 4, 2013

Blog's Third Birthday

It's amazing to me that it has been 3 years since I started this blog not knowing what I was doing and here I am still loving it and doing everything I can not to miss a day (only 2 days missed). It seems suitable to have this post on the day of Monday Murals since exploring for murals has become a real pleasure for me. This mural is another from the Islington neighbourhood and was done by artist John Kuna in 2006. Titled "Timeline, Islington Then & Now" it shows Dundas St as it was in the early 1900s on the left side and how it looks now on the right. Down the middle, runs an assortment of cool cars from the 50s. 
To see more murals from Mural Monday click here


  1. Congrats RedPat! I still remember the first time I visited your blog.
    Thanks for showing us your beautiful city and for teaching us so much about art and architecture.
    Thanks for your visits, comments and for your beautiful friendship. :)

  2. Congratulations on your anniversary! Three years is a significant achievement in the blogosphere. This is a nice mural depicting history. These tend to be my favorite kind of mural.

  3. Happy Blogiversary! That's a neat mural!

  4. Congrats to three years of photo blogging. Always interesting to see all your murals.

  5. C o o l ..time flies!

  6. Happy 'Birthday'! ANother great mural, makes me feel like jumping out of the way of the cars!

  7. It's a gorgeous mural!!! And happy third blogaversary!

  8. That looks like a mural you could drive right into and keep on going.

  9. Congratulations! I don't know how you manage to keep up the posting rate you do! You have a busy camera!

  10. Many Happy Returns RedPat, 3 years is some achievement. Always a pleasure to view your photos, especially the murals.

  11. A classy blogger, a classy classy photo and a classy mural, who could ask for more?

  12. We need more murals like this one. I love lookingback to the past. :)

  13. Happy blogaversary! I love visiting here so keep it up. I'm learning so much about Toronto. :))

  14. very beautiful mural! ... and yes, it is a library :)

  15. Congrats on three years. I think it's been about that long for me, too, but I never bothered to note when I started the thing...

    Love the mural - esp. how he segued the old and new.

    Have to say, though, some of those cars appeaar to be from the 30s...the 2nd one looks a lot like my first car - a 1937 Chevy!

  16. Happy Birthday to the blog!

    And that's an exceptional mural!

  17. Congratulations! Time sure does fly by. Love this mural.

  18. Hey! Congratulations! Three years with only two misses is quite a record. I enjoy seeing Toronto through your eyes, even though your eyes are a bit more contemporary than my traditionalist (old fogey) eyes. Keep on keeping on.

  19. Love it ... like a mural I recently saw, the old is in sepia and the new is in color ... just like photographs of old.

  20. Congratulations on your blogiversary!
    It can be a challenge to keep posting everyday, but you have a wealth of subjects in TO!

  21. Happy Birthday Occasional Toronto!

    This is a very nice mural, the colors depict its age and era!

    Visiting from:

    Monday Mural

  22. What a difference! Perfect for your blog anniversary too. Congratulations!

  23. Really great! Congratulations on the blog anniversary.

  24. Another fine mural by Kuna. Love those cars. Happy blog anniversary, I for one am very glad you picked up your camera and started clicking. And thanks for continuing to participate in Monday Mural.

  25. That's a good murial Red Pat. Love those old cars...and you are right about your blog, they take on a life of their own, don't they.

  26. HUGE congrats Pat and what a wonderful job you do. The murals that you show us from around Toronto are superb. The old classic cars in this mural above are such a pleasure to see. Only 2 days missed, that is mega impressive..

  27. I'm sure all was not wonderful back then, but this mural makes me want to jump inside and live there.

  28. Happy Anniversary! You have given us much pleasure with your photos, and, although it is sometimes difficult to post each day, it's worth the time and effort. You've done very well!

  29. beautiful mural and happy blog's birthday :)
