Monday, April 1, 2013


This very long mural is located at a railway underpass on the north side of Dupont St and was completed in 2008 by artist Joel Richardson. The same artist did a mural in 2011 on the south side of Dupont and was paid by the city to do the work. Unfortunately some zealous workers in the anti-graffiti   department of the city decided that that one was graffiti and had it removed. There was a huge uproar and the artist was again paid to repaint it. This one on the north side managed to avoid all the confusion! I have no idea what the mural means.
Taking part in Monday Murals. Click here for more murals.


  1. That is a very interesting mural. There is a lot to study.

  2. Brightens up a dull cityscape!

  3. That is one very long mural.

  4. Interesting, lots of faceless people in suits. I wonder what he is saying?

  5. The 'denied' sounds like a cry of revolt.

  6. ... and many pedestrians crossing too. It looks like.

  7. It's a good mural. So that's the one centred in that debacle? I do recall the story...

  8. Maybe all the loans denied during the recession? Hmmm...

  9. Don't know what it means either, but I like its rhythm both in shapes and colors. Glad the city government decided to right the bureaucratic wrong. Thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.

  10. Maybe it means how similar we are despite all the differences, or unity is strenght. Interesting story btw. ;-)

  11. Uh, I remember that kerfluffle! That really is a lo-n-ng mural.

  12. There's got to be an interesting story there Pat. The 'denied' is intriguing!

  13. That's a pretty funny story about the maintenance men. Art is in the eye of the beholder I guess.

    I like this bright modern look, it brightens up a dull area. Have no idea what it means, but I wouldn't want to scrub it off.
