Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Yorkville Fire Hall

The Yorkville Fire Hall is found just down the street from the Pilot Tavern which I showed you last week. It is one of the oldest fire halls in the city being built in 1876 to serve what was then the Village of Yorkville and was restored in 1974. It is one of a few halls in Toronto with a clock tower. I'll show you a close-up of that coat-of-arms on the tower tomorrow. 


  1. This is a really beautiful building.

  2. Smart looking building, wonder why they always paint fire stations some shade of red.....

  3. That's a lot of roof for a fire station.

  4. Buildings like this were built to last by people who intended to stay in one place, live, work, and raise children. It's quite amazing and quite wonderful. And so different from here in Florida where we build schools to last maybe 20 years if we're lucky!

  5. It is a handsome fire house, RedPat. In greater Hartford, there are some old fire stations, but in some cases they have had to be retired because the doors aren't high enough to accommodate the new fire engines.

  6. I love old fire stations. This is a beautiful example.

  7. Love that building! Are the giant flower pots in the park next door still there?

  8. Art& ArchSF: the planters are still there. I posted them almost 3 years ago here -

  9. Lovely firehall. Is it still in use?

  10. Cool building!
    The sky is sooo blue, you will have many beautiful days ahead! :-)

  11. That's a very grand looking place, it's clearly very well maintained too!

  12. Now this is an unusual design Pat, somehow I don't think it would look out of place in Europe..love the clock tower..

  13. Cool old fire hall. I love the trim.
