Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Bill Bat Boy

I spotted the Batboy's ride in the neighbourhood again and this time got a shot of the other side of it showing him with some of his friends and also some of his bat houses. Bat houses differ from bird houses in that they have no bottoms thus allowing the bats to swoop in and up to hang there for the day.
Taking part in Signs, Signs. Click here for more signs.


  1. I looked for your other post to understand what this is all about and it's just what I thought it was.

  2. A clever business. Wish we had one here. Maybe we do. Hmmm....I'll have to check that out.

  3. Bill Bat Boy is clearly good at his job!

  4. I want a bat house, but the dog would always be in the residue that falls from that open bottom.

  5. They're still creepy Pat, but I'm happy they have a wee house to 'sweep' into :)

  6. I like to watch them from a distance, remarkable creatures!

  7. Such a creative name for this guy doing such good work.

  8. As I said before I've never heard of such a business but I like it a lot and the man's advertising is very creative!

  9. Batter up, then. I thought the Leafs had 'em... go Blue Jays!

  10. Bats can eat their weight in mosquitoes every day, so they are good to have around.

  11. bat houses--now that is something i haven't seen before. i see bats in caves, churches, trees--but i don't think people around here would like a bat house in their yard.:p

  12. Certainly something different

  13. Bat boy looks a lot like Mr. clean! I wouldn't want any bats on me! Yuck!

  14. Looks like a guy who enjoys his rather unusual line of work

  15. I never realized bat houses didn't have bottoms, but of course it makes perfect sense.
    A very interesting post!

  16. I installed a bat house when we became aware of west nile disease. The bats eat the mosquitoes that are carries.

  17. where is my mind? i was thinking bat boy as in baseball, even tho there is bat with the guy here, duh!

  18. My aunt is terrified of the little critters. My point of view is they gorge themselves eating mosquitoes, and any animal that lessens that pest's population is good in my books.

  19. I like bats - they are fascinating creatures. I was always the odd one during our camping trips!

  20. Fascinating. My daughter and her husband bought a place in the country outside Johannesburg. The seller had bat houses all over the property, because she rescued injured bats and nursed them back to health. She specified some of the bat houses that Susie had to agree to leave there!

  21. Hmmm, not sure how I feel about his being covered in bats.

  22. Bats eat a ton of insects so I think this business is a super idea!
