Friday, June 21, 2013

Behind The Steel Front

This is a very urban part of town where it is great fun to find wonderful additions atop original rather grotty-looking buildings and this one is no exception. It looks as if there are at least 4 different decks on the various levels of this addition including the one here which has the window openings and the very top one on the roof. I'll give you a close-up of that creature and the openings beside it tomorrow.  Obviously there has been some tagging going on - they need to commission a mural don't you think? 


  1. Love the industrial feel, agree they need a mural

  2. You're right, Pat ... A mural would be great :))
    Have a great weekend.
    A kiss.

  3. I would not have guessed, from seeing the front, that the rear would be so cruddy! A mural would be nice, but a paint job would be a good beginning! :)

  4. Looks like life gets better the higher up you go!

  5. Certainly in need of a paint job, interesting looking critter....

  6. It definitely needs a mural or two!

  7. Always pays to look up when taking photos!

  8. ... or maybe a brick frontage.

  9. It definitely needs something to tie it all together Pat, a colourful mural could just do the trick.
