Saturday, June 15, 2013

In The Swim

Continuing the tour of Hart House finds us inside, viewing the wonderful pool with the Art Deco skylights. The pool is only 25 yards in length but what a wonderful environment to do a workout!


  1. Its totally fabulous Pat. I love the architectural style and the colour scheme, looks so very relaxing.

  2. I have to agree, I like the architectural style too.

  3. Wow, this really is a beautiful room. I can almost feel the humidity and smell the chlorine.

  4. What a special place to swim in, great angle to show it off too!

  5. You're right—those skylights are gorgeous!

  6. I might just float on my back and admire the skylights.

  7. I'm surprised of what I am seeing in your postings about The Hart House. There's more to it than I thought.

  8. I like how the colours and shape of the ceiling complement the rest of the room.

  9. I can smell the chlorine! When I taught in Illinois, some of the schools had indoor pools similar to this. They were great during the winter, but were always humid and chlorine hung heavy in the air. :)

  10. I just hated that they used that area at the end as a storage area. You couldn't get a shot without some "junk" in it.

    PS: We must have been on the same tour b/c they were only on the hour. :)

  11. Fantastic pool. Good services has Hart House :))
    A kiss.
