Monday, June 10, 2013

Play Me A Song

I am back to the murals in the Islington neighbourhood and the snow gives a hint that I took this pic in March but never got around to posting it. This is yet another mural painted by John Kuna and it is called "Prodigy" since it depicts a young Glenn Gould taking piano lessons at the Royal Conservatory of Music on Bloor St, and this building housed a satellite location of the Conservatory from the 1950s through the 80s. Gould, the most celebrated former student of the RCM, is pictured against a background showing the new concert hall (Koerner Hall) at the Conservatory.
Taking part in Monday Murals. Click here for more murals.


  1. This is gorgeous!! I have a musical theme today as well.

  2. WOW! This is fabulous! What a great artist.

  3. Superb! I remember Glenn Gould - in fact, I used to have at least one recording of his. What a pianist! This really is a wonderful mural.

  4. I love that this mural has a real story behind it. Very nice.

  5. I'm slightly jealous of all your marvellous murals! :-)

  6. This mural is truly a piece of art. It's also nicely photographed.

  7. Another musical mural! What are the chances? How fascinating to see Glenn Gould as a boy. No wonder the conservatory has memorialized his time there. Kuna always delivers, doesn't he? Thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.

  8. Fantastic, remarkably lifelike!

  9. John Kuna is a fantastic artist, his murals are so realistic, nice find indeed Pat.

  10. Impressive mural. It is a work of art!
    A kiss.

  11. A great find! I wonder if kids today know who Glenn Gould is?
