Friday, July 5, 2013

Dog Park

Toronto is teeming with dogs, especially downtown and this has resulted in a lot of conflict between dog owners and non-owners over dogs running loose in the parks. One solution has been to create these fenced-in dog areas in many of the parks that have enough space.  Dog walkers don't have to worry about the dogs leaving the park and the dogs have a ball running around, although this group of dogs all seem to be big guys so I wouldn't want to take a mini dog into there at this time. Another drive-by pic!


  1. They have several of these "dog parks" in Phoenix. I've gone several times with friends and the dogs seem to have a great time.

  2. Oh, I see a golden retriever! We miss ours so much. This is a problem around the world. It would help if some dog owners would pick up after their animals but too many do not. Many communities here have dog parks also which helps alleviate the problem.

    Great drive-by shot!

  3. i'm glad more cities are getting on board with these parks.

  4. We have fenced off areas within the dog parks to seperate the big guys from the little guys.

  5. I think it's nice they have these parks for dogs. I don't feel comfortable with unknown dogs running around free in regular parks, so this is a good compromise.

  6. The dog parks sound like a great idea. I have seen them in other communities too.

  7. Every place I have lived, there have been tensions between dog owners who want fancy off-leash parks for their dogs to run around in and everyone else who want to enjoy parks without dogs messing the grass and posing threats to small kids and little old ladies.

  8. I think its a great idea.Pat, I've not seen anything like this in the parks here yet.

  9. I think this is a great idea, I think Portland Oregon was one of the first cities in the country to try this. It was a great option for us, I had 2 small children and no pets. Boise Idaho is just starting to adopt this is tha last few years.
