Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Doorway Extraodinaire

I showed you the building on King St W that has this doorway here, but didn't get back for a close-up of the wonderful doorway until last week.  Apparently it is a super example of a "Gibbs Surround" named after architect James Gibb and it refers to the large blocks of stone interrupting the columns running up the side of the door. What makes this one so special is the addition of the 4 small columns at the top. I'm glad this building has been designated!


  1. Really different, but I think its a really visually attractive style Pat , off to google the architect..

  2. A lot of effort went into the design of this entrance.

  3. I love the solidity and massiveness and the design of this entrance! It is magnificent! And a very nice photo!

  4. Extraordinary indeed, what a grand entrance!

  5. I just read about the torrential rains that hit Toronto. It sounds like there were some tricky rescue situations going on. I hope it didn't affect you too much.

  6. Cripes, all I need is a doorknob. hahahaha

  7. pretty impressive and imposing!

  8. What a find! It's funny how sometimes you can pass a building like this and not really see it. I love those details on the sides with the AD and 1903 too. I'm also glad this building has been designated.

  9. That's quite a statement doorway!

  10. A very impressive doorway.

    One hopes the heritage designation actually has teeth to it.

  11. It is an interesting pastiche of classical elements. The whole doorway is pretty cool.

  12. Wow, someone would feel really important walking in through that doorway. Nice!

  13. Yes, it looks like a building that should be taken care of and not torn down.
