Sunday, July 14, 2013

Pool Anyone?

This is a pic of the upstairs pool hall at the Rivoli, a restaurant-nightclub-bar-poolhall, on Queen St West which has been at this location since 1982 and is housed in the old Rivoli Theatre, a 1920s vaudeville & burlesque theatre. The pool hall takes up 5,000sq ft and has 11 vintage tables ranging in age from the 1870s to the 1960s. The Rivoli is one of the most popular spots on Queen West and features a front patio that is perfect for watching all the action on the street.


  1. Have you shot any fun candid snaps from the patio?

  2. can almost smell the atmosphere...

  3. I haven't played pool in ages. When I was working in Chicago, the building I lived in was right next door to the Hyatt Hotel and they had a bar with a pool table. A few of us on the work team used to go over there and play pool quite often. I always lost but I enjoyed playing.

  4. Vintage pool tables, that's very cool Pat. I've tried it a couple of times, but it's fair to say it might not be my game :)

  5. I didn't even know pool was played back in the 1870s. I continue to learn so much blogging. :))

  6. That is one big pool hall. Always thought of it as having originated in the 20th century, interesting.

  7. My brother would love a place like that.

  8. That would be fun. I don't play pool regularly, but when the opportunity presents itself, I enjoy it.

  9. I love to play pool but haven't done so in many years. This would be a fun place, I think.

    And yes, we have lots of horses in this area. We also have a lot of folks best described as the southern end of a horse going north! :)

  10. I used to love to play pool. Nice shot.

  11. Lots of tables to choose from too!

  12. A little bit of everything included here.

  13. Ah, Snooker halls, it's been a while since I've played in one of those!
