Saturday, August 17, 2013

Reusing The Old

This pic gives you an idea of the condition of many of the buildings at the Brick Works when Evergreen took over the site. This is the oldest remaining building there and is not yet open to the public but it has been stabilized with all those I-beams and awaits its transformation into some new use as funds become available. They have retained all the buildings except for a few that were full of asbestos insulation and even then the roof structures were kept and form coverings for the farmers market that is there every weekend and for the winter skating rink, etc.


  1. Good to see these old buildings being saved and transformed.

  2. I can see that this place took some loving restoration work to get it back into shape.

  3. This is wonderful; I've loved to see the transformations thus far. This ol' structure's gonna need a lot of help, though!

  4. There's potential there; it's worth saving.

  5. makes a neat photo against that sky!

  6. Thank goodness someone saw the value in restoration rather than destruction.

  7. Evergreen have done an amazing job so far Pat, wonder how this one will look when renovated. We have a problem here with asbestos also, I guess it was used a lot everywhere before they realised just how deadly it is.

  8. Very interesting. I have enjoyed these posts.

  9. I love when they refurbish old buildings. I hope we can see it again when it's done.

  10. Good initiative. Thus serve again!

  11. It's good to see what they started with to appreciate how much has been done.
