Saturday, September 28, 2013

Hackney Swans

I just returned yesterday from my travels in England and a side trip to Paris so I am just catching up on everyone's blogs and taking a peek at the pics I took. Part of an attempt to explore more of London included a trip to the Hackney area in East London which has seen trouble in the past but seems to be undergoing an upsurge in development now. There is a wonderful waterway winding through the area and these swans followed us for quite awhile hoping for a hand-out. They abandoned us when a fellow came along with some food for them!


  1. I read the title and wondered where Hackney was in Toronto as I only know Hackney in London ... and low and behold your post was about there. Such a large group of lovely swans.

  2. Beautiful and very relaxing :))
    Have a great weekend.
    A kiss.

  3. Lovely swans! I bet you have a ton of photos from your trip!

  4. That sounds like a dream trip. In fact I was dreaming about such a trip all summer long. I had to postpone mine until next year. You had quite a group of swans following you along.

  5. Lovely opportunists.

  6. Lucky you - England and Paris! Wow! I hope you'll post more photos of your trip! I'm just a wee bit jealous! :)

    BTW, when these critters left you did they sing a swan song?

  7. These are mute swans, which means they all belong to the Queen. Kind of her to share them!

  8. I look forward to seeing some of your travel photos. I always thought that swans were a relatively solitary bird. Looks like I was wrong.

  9. Lovely shot, the swans do tend to soon desert you if someone else turns up with food!

  10. Did these swans look more English than our swans?
    I wondered where you had gone. Looking forward to your pictures (and impressions!)

  11. Welcome back. I look forward to your photos of England.

  12. Again, I can't believe we couldn't meet up...
    I've arrived in London last Friday, and I'm staying in Hackney!!! ;-)

  13. Beautiful walking/swimming companions Pat..a side trip to Paris, you lucky, lucky lady :)

  14. Looks like Hackney Wick....I lived near there for over twenty years during my spell in London....Nice pic Red Pat...
