Monday, October 28, 2013

Fighting Graffiti

This mural has appeared on a wall along College St that has been a site of continuous tagging no matter how many times it was painted over. The owners contacted a city-sponsored group called StreetARToronto (StART) which has the mandate to promote street art while counteracting graffiti. The artists for this mural are Viviana Astudillo & Logan Miller and they have done a fine job with the result being that no further tagging has taken place. 
Taking part in Monday Murals. Click here for more murals.


  1. It's a fine mural and such a good idea to replace graffiti with something attractive.

  2. I guess this appeals to would-be graffiti artists so they don't want to ruin it.

  3. Awesome, that is what I like to see, I hate mindless tagging

  4. How cool is that Pat, a strong mural and a positive outcome, sounds good to me!

  5. Does the heart good -- both the mural and knowing that taggers respect art.

  6. it is a neat mural, and SO glad they are respectful of it!

  7. This is the right way to fight taggers: I hope they will be ashamed and will try to learn something from the authors of this excellent mural!

  8. I guess good works like this one are respected and untouched.

  9. A wonderful mural. It seems when the city welcomes the street artists that the other forms of graffiti seem to fall by the wayside more times than not. Thanks for visiting my steamboat.

  10. That is just wild! And a curious combination of rhino and pelicans, etc. Lots of thrashing about. Love it!

  11. Interesting that the more 'destructive' taggers/graffiti artists respect these pieces.

  12. I guess the trick is to create something even the taggers would enjoy seeing!

  13. Toronto seems to have a real problem with taggers. Good luck to the owners and artists of this mural.

  14. I know this mural. It's so wide making it difficult to get it into one single photo.

  15. Nice graffiti!

  16. Love it! Wow you have a city sponsored street art program too - glad to see other cities are understanding the value of such programs.

  17. Rincerontes and pelicans struggling ... I like the mural

  18. Fantastic! What a great artist.

    The surgery went fine. The next three days were awful but now I'm OK. Thanks for your care, RedPat.
