Thursday, October 24, 2013


This is one in a series that Weiwei has been working on since 1997 and it consists of 40 antique wooden stools from the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) which have been taken apart and reassembled in new ways. Weiwei wants "us to question our assumptions about objects and change the way we look at things". I like the shadows the piece cast and since this was early in the evening the big crowds had not yet gathered and I was able to get them in the shot. The little houses in the background are made from solid blocks of tea leaves and reference the traditional tea rooms of China.
The November 1 theme for City Daily Photo bloggers is "Heights."


  1. This is fantastic. I love the shadows too.

  2. Well, if I had to think of this as "grapes," he's succeeded in getting me to think of grapes in a new way! :) I think there ought to be a big sign: "Take a seat, the lecture will begin shortly."

  3. Never looked at stools and imagined anything like this. While his art is wonderful, it is also done without thought to cost of materials. With that much tea he could run a tea house for years. Forty Ching dynasty stools? Wow.

  4. i'm with lowell - didn't really see grapes. but i love the shadows you got!

  5. He is really brilliant. Great photo, the shadows are just phenom

  6. Very cool piece. I think it is representative of our global world.

  7. Wonderful shadows, and reminds me somewhat of my Tinker Toys from way back when.

  8. Wei Wei had a room full of wooden stools installed in a room at the 2013 Venice Biennale. I thought it was interesting but didn't find it beautiful or inspirational. But, if he is doing this with antique stools, there is some desecration happening!

  9. I like the creativity Pat..its hard to imagine where on earth artists get their ideas from oui :)

  10. Very curious ... I'm happy to visit the exhibition with you.
    Have a great weekend :))

  11. Ever hear heard of a coffee room?

  12. It's working" I'm thinking of grapes in a totally new way. ;)
