Thursday, October 17, 2013

Lendal Bridge

If you ignore the sign that I showed you yesterday you will end up in the River Ouse which runs through the city of York and has 9 bridges that cross it within the city limits. This fine-looking Gothic style bridge is Lendal Bridge and it is an iron bridge that opened in 1863 within the walls of the old city. It is nicely decorated with the white roses of York all along below the handrail and even the York coat-of-arms visible in the middle. Continuing along to the right leads you right up to York Minster.


  1. I just recently watched a Rick Steves program about York. He said it was his second favorite city in England.

  2. York is one of the places I'd like to visit! ;-)

  3. I love this photo. I'm addicted to rivers and bridges.

  4. I'm impressed. That has to be one of the more beautiful bridges I've seen. Hard to imagine that it is so old! Beautiful photo, Pat!

  5. Nice shot of Lendal Bridge - as I saw it I thought - heh that's not Toronto! Quite a while since I've been to York - a lovely city.

  6. Looks sturdy and still in great condition!

  7. Well composed photo of the Lendal Bridge. Since it was built in 1863 the designers did well as I'm sure they could never have imagined anything as heavy as a city bus driving across it.

  8. What a pretty bridge. Love your photo. I was in York a long, long time ago and don't remember many of the details beyond the Minster.

  9. Right on Pat with your guess about the location of the lady in the window. Kensington Market is gold mine for a photographer. I hope you don't think I am invading your territory. Recently I have been going to downtown Toronto one day a month on business. It ends up that I have about 5 hours of free time to wander the streets with my camera. Feel free to delete this comment after you read it.

  10. Its those little touches that make it so special Pat..
