Sunday, November 3, 2013

Ivy Tower

It's hard to see the brickwork on the Walmer Road Baptist Church when it is covered in its coat of greenery but the church was built in the Gothic Revival style and opened in 1889 in the Annex neighbourhood. The church was built to hold 1,500 people and at one time had a congregation of over 2,000 but as the numbers shrank a decision was made to use part of the church as an open and accessible ministry known as the Walmer Centre. The centre has various spaces available for community groups, operates a food bank, serves warm meals and acts as a drop-in site 1 night a week, as well as providing space for a day care centre. It really is a hub of good works in the community! 
Taking part in Inspired Sunday. Click here to see more religious buildings.


  1. Look at all that ivy, and covering some of the windows! A beautiful church; I love the square tower with elongated windows. Beautiful doors, and I'm curious about the round section in the lower right of the building. A lovely contribution to the challenge.

    Visiting from InSPIREd Sunday.


  2. i love history. so fun to hear. ( :
    always amazing 2 c the greenery taking over so quickly.

  3. I do like that ivy, too! Thanks for sharing this week.

  4. It really is starting to take over the whole building!

  5. Sooner or later, the brickwork will have disappeared altogether!

  6. That is well covered, need to clear it sometime or it will ruin the brickwork

  7. I really like the look but am glad I don't have to keep it in check!

  8. What a beautiful church - that ivy is a wonder!

  9. Sounds like a very live and let live church--that doesn't mind some ivy--which serves many good functions in the community. I know ivy can be destructive to some structures, but love how it looks.

  10. That is quite a church, both architecturally and in terms of its role in the community.

  11. Always a problem with ivy: it looks beautiful, but it can be destructive with the brickwork...

    Good shot!

  12. I really like the triple arch entrance to the church Pat and I do like the ivy covered wall too, even if it does wreck the brickwork :)

  13. The building is handsome and it's place in the community sounds impressive.

  14. What a gorgeous building that does so much! Great post.

  15. Nice shot of a beautiful building Pat, and put to such good use too..

  16. That is a gorgeous building, great shot.
