Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Old And New

I've always loved this old Romanesque Revival building on the U of Toronto campus that was built in 1890 as a private residence but since 1922 has been the Newman Centre, the Catholic centre on the campus. It is gorgeous inside and out  and unusual for the city it has heritage protection for both the exterior and the interior. I've been to a couple of receptions there and the inside is spectacular but I have no pics to share. The large modern building behind it is the newly completed addition to the Rotman School of Management (part of the university) that was designed by KPMB Architects who have done a lot of wonderful work around the city. I hope to get inside it soon for a walkabout.


  1. It's so easy to find old and modern buidings side by side, bu the contrast between these ones is amazing! ;-)

  2. Think I prefer the old building to the new one. Oxford tends to be like that ,old and new.

  3. Seeing them both together, I prefer the old building!

  4. such a contrast! we have an old courthouse in downtown dallas that is similar - called 'big red'. looks so out of place, now, against all the glass...

  5. The two buildings sit nicely together, old and new alongside each other!

  6. Old and New is always very interesting, I really like this shot!

  7. In this throw away society
    that we all live in it is so nice to see the planners preserve some history.

  8. Love the contrast Pat.. Toronto seems to be a bit like Perth in that respect..old alongside new..viva le difference I say :)

  9. Love seeing the old and new together, especially when the old building is still in use.

  10. The Newman Centre is particularly attractive under that beautiful blue sky.

  11. That's so cool right next to the tall modern glass building and yet somehow it looks OK! ...glad it is protected.

  12. Lovely building, and it reminds me of the Sir Duncan Rice Library at Aberdeen University. It was designed by Danish architects, and is meant to evoke the ice and the light of the north. Perhaps this has a similar theme?
