Wednesday, December 18, 2013

A Church St Christmas

All the lamp poles along Church St are decorated with these lovely snowflakes which I think must light up at night, as well as the banners which are there all year. Church St is the main street running through the 'gay village' an enclave special to the LGBT community and it is the site of all the festivities of Pride Week held every summer. 
Taking part in Signs, Signs. Click here for more signs.


  1. That's a fine banner. We also have "Shop Local" signs around here. It's a fine idea. Yes, those windows were double glazed. It was just so cold.

  2. I love the banner and the snowflake. The banners remind of similar ones I saw in Chicago.

  3. I like the idea of shopping and playing local! I bet the snowflakes are stunning after dark.

  4. Great looking sign, and snowflake!

  5. An attractive banner and I think the message is important. Our cities and communities need the support of the people in order to thrive and make better places to live for everyone!

  6. It's an excellent place for street photography.

  7. Love the snowflake decoration - we have a few of those decorating the parking lot of our local shopping mall.


  8. So pretty! Love the Village especially during Pride festivities such a fun part of being from Toronto And I agree with the message support local small businesses and artists/crafters :)

  9. I like all the banner you see in neighbourhoods. Interesting that they say shop and "play"

  10. I like the snowflake, but I <3 the banner more.

  11. I really like the choice of a banner. Colorful and appealing to the eye.

  12. Both Hartford and Naples use banners to brighten up the main commercial areas of town. They change at least yearly.

  13. Good for Church street???I support their shop local message as well as their self-pride one! I love our evolving world.

  14. Typing on my IPAD. The question marks were supposed to be explanation marks..I am a little tech challenged. Sorry.

  15. Good shot!

    A place the drooling idiot in the mayor's office avoids at all costs, obviously...

  16. The snowflakes are pretty! Maybe you can get back there in the evening? :)

  17. I do wish we had lovely snowflakes like this instead of our usual prickly thingys...

  18. great to see the lights - there are not so many as in previous years round here.

  19. Très joli post.
    Belle journée à toi; et merci de tes visites sur mes pages!

  20. Good publicity!
    I also love my people :))
    Have a good Christmas Pat.
    a kiss.
