Monday, December 9, 2013


I may have been on holidays in September but I was still on the look-out for street art and I found this great one in the Place Stravinsky in Paris. Titled 'Chuuuttt' (Hush in English), it is by the well-known French stencil artist Jef Aerosol who was commissioned to do the piece in 2011. It is over 350 sq metres and features his trademark red arrow which he includes somewhere on all his works.
Taking part in Monday Murals. Click here for more murals.


  1. It's a great piece but, I'm wondering, was it quiet there? Did people take notice of the message?

  2. Quiet please. Nice art work and photo.

  3. How to even begin something on such a large scale?

  4. A fine capture of this remarkable mural. The size alone is very impressive.

  5. Nice mural. Hope it helps to keep the place quiet

  6. I wonder why he wants us to be quiet.

  7. I saw this last year but for some reason I thought it was about Dali. DI have no idea why. Took a picture but didn't know a thing about the artist or the red arrow until your post. Thanks for the education on this monumental work. And thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.

  8. It's fun when artists have a signature thing that they include in all their work for you to find. this arrow is very prominent!

  9. That is definitely something you can't miss!

  10. This is a good one. Too bad that the taggers have been at work wrecking the bottom.

  11. Nice composition with the people in it.

  12. Wow! What a find Pat, there's nothing as impressive as a building sized mural. This is a beauty.

  13. Very good ... There are many who speak only nonsense :))

  14. Love that. A peaceful part of town I presume.

  15. This is just great! Although a different technique, it reminds me of VHILS and JR.
