Sunday, December 15, 2013

St Helen's

This beautiful Gothic Revival church, St Helen's Roman Catholic, can be found on Dundas St West in the Brockton neighbourhood. It was constructed in 1909 and originally served a mainly Irish congregation, but as the population around it changed so has the congregation and it is now predominately a Portuguese centre. The church has been given heritage status and is the second largest Catholic church in the city after St Michael's Cathedral. 
Taking part in Inspired Sunday. Click here for more religious buildings.


  1. kind of reminds me of a gingerbread house. all the neat details. ( :

  2. This looks very much like the church I went to as a kid.

  3. Something so familiar about these churches which ever country you are in

  4. A very inspirational post, to say the least. It reminds me of many churches of different denominations built in the late 1800s and early 1900s in Minnesota.

    Thanx for visiting! Sorry about your snow. We had so much rain this morning, I missed my golf game. Darn! And it's cooling off, too. In the 60s now, I think. But no snow! :)

  5. This church has a timeless and placeless look to it. It would fit nicely into Connecticut. (Maybe not Florida.)

  6. It has a beautiful facade. Glad it's being preserved!

  7. It's a very pretty building, set perfectly against the perfectly blue sky!

  8. How interesting that the congregation was at first Irish but bow is Portuguese. I'm fascinated by changing demographics.

  9. hee hee... EG CameraGirl wrote what «Louis» was thinking! :-)
