Monday, January 27, 2014

Lost His Head

Just down the laneway from the fierce kitty that I showed you last Monday is this wonderful Lego Man head which is the reason I first went down this laneway, since I had heard about him. He was done by artists Spud and DMC and is a real standout as you look up the hill from the dog park below!
Taking part in Monday Murals. Click here for more murals.


  1. That's one heck of a garage door and would give one no excuse about not being to find the way home after a night of partying.

    I like the mustache and the dimpled chin!

  2. still not something i'd want on my garage door!

  3. I love this! I imagine it would be especially eye-catching from a distance.

  4. Don't think I'd want to live across the street from this.

  5. I've seen some interesting garages lately, but this one has got to be the tops. It's wonderful. Great post.

  6. Certainly would put a smile on your face, arriving home to this each day!

  7. He is well worth the trip down the lane Pat.

  8. He looks great, and much friendlier than the kitty!

  9. Combined with the kitty, it makes a really interesting neighbourhood! Love Lego man!

  10. I wonder how one commissions SPUD and DMC to paint their garage?!

  11. He seems to be the Hercules Poirot of Lego Men, as dapper as Kitty is fierce. Thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.

  12. It's impossible to not smile when looking at this garage door!
    It certainly is an attraction for kids! ;-)
