Tuesday, February 11, 2014

After The Storm

The world is a quiet place after a snow storm with all the sounds being absorbed by the fluffy stuff, at least until the snow plows arrive and everyone gets out with their shovels.  Then small streets like this become scenes of great activity as we try to dig out our cars and clear the sidewalks. We have had too many days like this, this winter!


  1. Usually a storm comes through and Toronto gets a few flakes while we - a mere 45 minutes north via the 404 - get dumped on. However, I do concede that it's much, MUCH harder to clean city streets than it is to plow out country roads.

  2. Talk about buried! That is quite a pile of snow to have to deal with. I don't envy you at all.

  3. Amazing sight Pat, to me here in hot Perth, can't imagine waking up to a scene like this, would quite like to :)

  4. This is a beautiful scene - so peaceful, almost serene. But I know too well what all that snow entails. I guess that's why so many Ontarions are here in Ocala this winter! :)

  5. Snow can be quite beautiful as your photo shows unless you need to go somewhere or dig out a sidewalk.

  6. Yep, we got dumped on again. The plows zoom down our suburban streets, so we only have to shovel our way out of the driveway!

  7. We've had too many days of rain, would welcome some white fully stuff

  8. And I am complainning of the cold weather here! ;-)

  9. Wow! I don't envy those jobs. Quite a cold winter down South too.

  10. A very peaceful scene, until it's time to move the car!

  11. And I haven't seen one single fluffy flake...

  12. It's got to be difficult to clear theses streets. They are so narrow and there's no place to push the snow.

  13. Man, does this scene look familiar! I always loved the look of a fresh snow storm -- at least the routine snow storms that didn't pull down all the trees and electric wires. But, the cold that comes along with it goes right through my bones these days. (We are scheduled for a cold day tomorrow . . . it might not break 70!)

  14. Ah, the snow looks lovely!

    Rule #1: you can never have too much snow. Rule #2: if you think there's too much snow, see rule #1.

  15. I only like the snow when it's pretty and white.

  16. It's especially tough in city streets, lots of digging! What a winter...at least the snow looks lovely when it first falls:)

  17. We could use a few more days like this. I do love the quite too.

  18. It's been a very hard winter. Here, this year alone, it has snowed in the mountains, in the city nothing. Best ;)
