Friday, April 11, 2014

All In A Row

There is something about objects lined up in a row that is very appealing and I recently spotted this row of screens and quite like the effect. There is a tall planter with a boxwood in it between each pair and the I-beams at the top go longer to the left to form the support for a glass canopy leading to the entrance of a newish condo building on Bloor St in the Annex.  I'll return in the summer to check out the rest of the landscaping in the courtyard at this location.


  1. I look forward to seeing how this looks later.

  2. You are right. This is very interesting and beautiful as well.

  3. These screens are quite unusual but I also find them quite attractive. I'd guess that "newish" condo doesn't come cheap?

  4. A sense of order has a very calming effect I think.

  5. I like it graphically but I'm not sure I get its point...

  6. I agree. It is a sophisticated look. (Hey, I DO like some contemporary things.)

  7. It does make for an appealing pattern!

  8. I like the repeated lines in this photo, RedPat.
