Sunday, May 11, 2014

St Francis

This is St Francis of Assisi Roman Catholic Church which is found in the Little Italy neighbourhood just off College St. It was designed by architect Arthur William Holmes in Gothic Revival style and was constructed in 1915 to serve the flourishing Italian population in the area. The church has 21 large stained glass windows but was locked when I went by a couple of weeks ago so no pics. The church is famous in the city for its huge Good Friday pageant which closes down College St and involves hundreds of people reenacting the events of that day.
Taking part in Inspired Sunday. Click here for more religious buildings from around the world.


  1. That is a nice looking church that

  2. amazing stonework. i always wonder how they decide what to use? what is available in the area or? ( :

  3. amazing stonework. i always wonder how they decide what to use? what is available in the area or? ( :

  4. Lovely photo! It is such a shame that churches have to lock their doors.

  5. Beautiful architecture! Love those stone walls.

  6. When I was growing up in Illinois, our parish church was St. Francis. Ours was made of red brick instead of stone. This one is very stately.

  7. Gosh its so impressive Pat, the windows look super from the outside can only imagine what they'd be like from the inside with the light pouring through.

  8. I have seen this church and probably have a photo of is beautiful (I'm originally from B.C.).

  9. You did well to squeeze it all into the picture!

  10. So we both have St Francis today, though not the same one! THis church is gorgeous, the pageant must be wonderful!

  11. I've never been inside this church, but I have always admired it from outside. :)

  12. This church is real standout... easily spotted from a distance.

  13. Would love to see that pageant. Not for the religion, but for the pageantry. Great church from the outside.

  14. I love the large windows. I bet they are beautiful from the inside.

  15. I love this one, RedPat. The little branches at the sides frame it well, and the whole photo has a calm gray cast.

  16. The architectural style's always appealed to me. This is a beautiful example.

  17. I hope that someday you're able to go inside to take photos of the stained glass. Twenty-one stained glass windows? WOW!

  18. I love these old buildings, Pat.
