Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Terror And Beauty

I was at the Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO), which I gave you a pic of yesterday, to see this exhibition featuring the works of Francis Bacon and Henry Moore. It is a major show with paintings, sculpture, drawings, pics, and archival material displayed to show the influences that both artists shared and how they used them in their work. Once again, no pics were allowed but if you are in the Toronto area it is well worth a visit! 
Taking part in Signs, Signs. Click here for more signs.


  1. I can hear the mind police now saying, "Put the camera AWAY!" :-)

  2. I would be there in a flash Pat.. bah to the no photos :)

  3. Sounds like it may well be worth a visit!

  4. It sounds like a wonderful exhibit. I hate it when they don't allow photos!

  5. Hmmmm, I might have enjoyed this though not my favourite artists!

  6. I would certainly go if I could. Sounds very interesting.

  7. I've never seen a bad exhibit at the AGO. Wish I could be there for this one!

  8. Fine looking sign. Never thought Thomas Moore was all that beautiful or Francis Bacon that truthful. Perhaps that phrase doesn't refer to them?

  9. They aren't my favourite artists, but it does sound like an interesting exhibit.

  10. Not my favorite type of art but I would imagine it's a popular exhibit.


  11. "Terror and Beauty"? I'm not sure but I think I'd need hearty breakfast with "moore bacon" before I could face this exhibition.

    Nah, just kidding. I'll bet it's wonderful. It's frustrating when folks post those "No Photos" signs. Do they think we're going to steal Bacon's and Moore's ideas? Sheesh!

  12. that's the thing with special gallery, they don't allow photography.

    frankly my dear

  13. Moore's work is often compelling, but in all honesty, I love it a bit less than when I was in college. Maybe it hasn't worn as well as some. Bacon would be worth seeing, but it is never going to get into my personal higher echelons. (Not that he cares . . . )

  14. I'll have to remember that.

    I'm glad the Gallery here finally dropped the no pics policy.

  15. I wish galleries would allow photos!

  16. they should rearrange the credits with moore above bacon...moore bacon ;)

  17. It's a rather plain sign for these artists, don't you think? I still have time to get there.
