Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Weston Library

I had little time during our Doors Open event in May to explore the locations but one place I did visit was the Weston Public Library in the Weston neighbourhood. It is yet another of the libraries built with a grant from the Carnegie Foundation and was built in 1914 and designed by Toronto architects Lindsay & Brydon in the Arts & Crafts style. I love this mosaic found over what was the main entrance at the time before a major addition in the 1980s. The building now has heritage designation. I will show you one of its wonderful stained glass windows tomorrow. 
Taking part in Signs, Signs. Click here for more signs.


  1. Lovely mosaic and I love the arched doorway.

  2. A great old entrance. Glad they kept if even if it isn't used.

  3. interesting old weathered doors on that brick building!

  4. Love this building! That entrance is so welcoming.

  5. Great that it's still there for all to see!

  6. The mosaic is rather typical of the early XXth century, isn't it? It's lovely and it's wonderful that it's still being used!

  7. I like the weathered doors on this building!

  8. Lovely building and you've captured the entrance way well. I'm happy to hear it has its heritage designation and is safe from being knocked down or heavily altered for condos.

  9. They just don't make 'em like this anymore. Hopefully, this will be around for many more years for people to appreciate!

  10. Great sign! I'm a big fan of public libraries.

  11. A lot of work went into that sign.

  12. I love the brick work.
    Tom The Backroads Traveller

  13. Nice, I am a fan of mosaics also.

  14. Our Carnegie Library building is now the Community Cultural Center (an art center). I like the look of these old buildings.

  15. At one time, I thought about visiting every library in Toronto (all 199!) and posting a photo. Somewhere along the way, I forgot... But every one is so very different.

  16. I like how the arch shape is repeated three times.

  17. It's a lovely building. I hope someone gives the doors a refinishing treatment. They look like they have some beautiful grain.


  18. she looks good for 100 years old.

    frankly my dear

  19. Also love the mosaic framed by brick work.

  20. Carnegie and Peabody were two philanthropists with an affection for books and learning. Wasn't it a good thing that both funded numerous public libraries?
