Sunday, August 10, 2014

Sunday Afternoon In The Park

Trinity Bellwoods Park is a large park located downtown on Queen St W and it is popular for everyone living downtown especially those without their own gardens or balconies. There are playgrounds, tennis courts, off-leash dog areas, wading pools, a community centre, and just lots of open space with mature trees. And there are lots of take-out restaurants nearby - Nadege Patisserie is next door. This shot gives you an idea of what a typical Sunday in the summer is like at the park - someone under every tree and many sun-bathers too! Hope your Sunday is going well.


  1. That's nice. Humid and windy here, so no park for VDP!

  2. Lots of sun and shade to suit all tastes!

  3. This is obviously another wonderful asset to your city. We need more parks and green space. One of the major horse farms (over 700 acres) in Ocala is going out of business and it would make a fantastic park but I'm afraid it will become apartments and strip shopping centers! Ugh!

  4. A beautiful place. It's been years since I've been there.

  5. If your photo editing program has a pointillism app, this would come out nicely as the Sunday Afternoon at the Island of la Grand Jatte. Nice urban park!

  6. Your photo is reminiscent of George Seurat's painting Sunday In The Park. Your captured the action beautifully.

  7. It's great there are places in the city where people can get out and enjoy fresh air. I like the feeling of this photo.

  8. Nice sunday scene,Pat, but too many people ... :-)

  9. Good place to spend a great day outdoors;))
