Sunday, January 4, 2015

A 50s Church

This was taken late Christmas Eve afternoon before the lights in the church were turned on and the crowds gathered for Mass. This is St Bernard De Clairvaux Roman Catholic Church and unlike most of the churches I have shown in the past it is not at least a hundred years old. The church was built in 1959 and is quite spartan compared to the older ones but the Christmas decorations and flowers give it a nice warm atmosphere.
Taking part in Inspired Sunday. Click HERE to see more religious buildings from around the world.


  1. What a dramatic feature on the wall... Great shot! Thanks for following my blog - It's funny - I think I've featured on Mums little corner of the interwebs enough for everyone to have a little bit of a feel for what I'm about :P

  2. in my opinin is simple but loooks wonderfully

  3. Very modern-looking but it conveys warmth and welcome. This is a nice interior photo!

  4. i like it - i like the vertical lines on both sides of the altar area.

  5. Great shot, all ready to welcome the flock!

  6. This really does look like a 1950's design.

  7. I don't like much of the 50s designs but I do very much like that little tree!

  8. Churches certainly seen to be moving towards simplicity more. I like that. The 'crystal cathedrals' seem so hollow and fake.

  9. Somewhat reminds me of parts of Coventry Cathedral. similar vintage I think.

  10. Doesn't look stark like some built around the same period.

  11. The two wings surrounding Jesus is something new to me. I have never seen these before. The colour and the use of the ornaments do give that striking funky feel too.

  12. Simple and practical, I like.Pat.

  13. I do like the look of it. The church where we attended when I was growing up dated back to the same period, and has always kept that simplicity.

  14. That's interesting to see the inside.

  15. Such a modern crucifix. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  16. i always enjoy how churches use the poinsettias at this time of the year. so pretty and very festive. Happy New Year!! ( :

  17. The church down the street from the house I grew up in was built around 1959, too. There are some nice features, but I like the old traditional church decor most. You could guess that, couldn't you?

  18. There are some very lovely features in this almost modern day church Pat. As long as the folk who use it are comfortable that's what matters the most oui!

  19. The colour does add to the otherwise plain interior.

  20. Quite modern for the 50s, still an interesting building and a nice church.
