Sunday, February 15, 2015

Careful On The Steps

Only one set of footprints is barely visible on those steps leading up to the door of Christ The Saviour Russian Orthodox Church in the Seaton Village neighbourhood. It is the oldest Russian Orthodox parish in the city, celebrating 100 years this year but has only been in this building since 1966 when the church was purchased from an Anglican parish.
Taking part in Inspired Sunday. Click HERE to see more religious buildings from around the world.


  1. Looks a little chilly for church today!

  2. beautiful capture of the snow as it falls .. you must have taken the photo early to have only one set of footprints ... I suspect may more footprints occur as the day progresses.

  3. You really have captured that fresh snow look in this shot. I might have to hold on to that hand rail if I was going to attempt to climb those stairs.

  4. Oh marvellous! I agree about the steps though. I don't mind snow anywhere except on steps!

  5. RedPat, great snow shot, but I'm glad that I'm not there now. Aloha Tom The Backroads Traveller

  6. Russian Churches are so big and rich decorated inside

  7. Too much snow for me. Looks like someone did not need a bannister to get up those stairs. Great shot!

  8. Alaska has some Russian churches but I never knew that Canada did. We have none here but one Greek Orthodox Church.

  9. Now that is a whole-lot -of-snow on the steps.

  10. Looks like someone climbed them.

  11. So beautiful! I love the pristine snow.
    Hope you are staying safe and warm. I heard it has been VERY COLD there.

  12. The person who made the tracks was seeking sanctuary from the cold and snow?

  13. Well it now looks very Russian Orthodox so they must have done some extensive renovations.

  14. There are a couple of Orthodox churches here very close together. One's from the Russian tradition and looks like you expect that kind of church to look. The other is I think Greek, but I'm reminded of it by this photo- it took over a Catholic church, and the entrance is rather like this.

  15. Your photos are always interesting

    ALOHA from Honolulu

  16. I like the contrast of snow and red bricks.

  17. Well composed photo of this church. Perhaps those Russians are tough and don't mind walking through the snow. Or, you got there before the snow shovelers.

  18. Should be quite a soft landing if you do slip though!

  19. i love the fall snow. i appreciate you sharing with me since i have not see many snow flakes lately for years to be very honest. i think i need to move to a snowy place asap.

    sorry i am late to commenting it's been a busy crazy kind of weekend. have a great day!! Beth ( :

  20. They look a wee bit treacherous Pat, is there such a thing as 'a wee bit treacherous' :)

  21. You have less snow up there than I expected.
