Thursday, February 12, 2015

Fresh Snow

We finally have snow and I always like to get out for a walk when it is fresh and before everyone has walked through it, but this time the cat who lives in this house has beaten me to it. You can see his trail going along the base of the fence and disappearing under the gate. Makes you wonder where he would have to go in that much snow! In summer he is often perched on top of this fence watching the world pass by.
Taking part in Good Fences. Click HERE to see more fences from around the world.


  1. Too bad about the cat but it's still a neat photo!

  2. Fresh snow is the best and that cat wanted to see it too!

  3. The trail does not disturb the beauty of this picture :)
    Have a fine day

  4. The fresh snow is pretty, sorry the cat beat you to it! Great fence shot.. Have a happy day!

  5. The cat that lives near me dislikes Winter altogether. Who needs snow, it often ask when it's time to go out.

  6. I imagine the cat has very cold paws!

  7. I like following tracks. We are sure getting our share of snow this year, it is beautiful. B

  8. what a COOL fence! rather like a stockade! love it!

  9. This is much more than a fence. It protects the residents from photographers. :)

  10. Quite a good fence!

    We've had quite a bit of snow in the last few days, including more last night. I was the first one out the door this morning, but there on the walkway to the sidewalk were the tell tale prints of one of the local cats.

  11. I think your cat loves fence but not the snow

  12. Hooray for you! I like making tracks in fresh snow too! Pretty winter scene.

  13. It must have sunken in a bit!

    So... you didn't build a snowman? :-)

  14. That's an interesting fence - you don't seen vertical boards very often. In fact, I don't think I've ever seen such a fence! And never can figure out what goes on in their heads. Well, sometimes i can. Mine climbs up on the desk, lays down on any papers I have there, puts her front legs over my left arm so that become totally useless and then expects to be petted for two or three hours. Aargh! But she is cute!

  15. I like this fence! Most of the fences in the city look so different from country fences:)

  16. Fresh snow is alway nice, and I really like this kind of wooden fence!

  17. Interesting fence. Enjoy your snow. I'm way so beyond that. hehehehe

  18. The snow looks pretty deep just there. I guess the cat is light enough not to sink through!

  19. Now that is a bunch of snow around your fence. I like the wood your fence is made of, looks great. Poor kitty to brave being out in all that white stuff.

  20. A unique looking fence. The snow looks good against it.

  21. Those are some cold kitty cat toes!

  22. Nice looking fence. It really stands out in the snow.

  23. RedPat, when a cat needs to go, it needs to go. And I think you would look terrific in those red dangly earrings.

  24. Excellent urban fence

    ALOHA from Honolulu

  25. Who doesn't love the fresh snow? It's so pretty at this stage. :)

  26. Great looking fence! My dog now has a worn trail through the snow in our backyard ... looks like the cat is wearing a similar trail here. Wendy

  27. Must be wonderful to feel that first crunch underfoot Pat.. I thought cats weren't all that keen on cold and wet:)
