Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Grand Old Building

This is the main doorway into the Confederation Life building which was built on Richmond St at Yonge St in 1892. It is a magnificent building but the street is too narrow to get the whole building into the frame since the structure stretches for the complete city block. The building was totally revitalized in the 1980s and has been historically designated. It was a very chilly, windy morning a couple of weeks ago when I took this pic but I wanted to catch the wonderful carvings around the door.


  1. It is a big building and looks amazing..

  2. What a grand entrance! It's always interesting to me how life insurance companies seem to have a lot of money...hmmm...must be a good bizness.

    Check tomorrow's post for more on the beer truck! :)

  3. Thank goodness for buildings like this Pat, long may they be loved and looked after.

  4. Beautiful! They don't do them like that anymore.

  5. Wow! That certainly is a grand entrance.

  6. Looks like a grand old building. Those carvings are wonderful.

  7. Lots of fine looking detail, I imagine that street is a bit of a wind tunnel?

  8. wow! that gargoyle figure at the top of the arch is eerie, but i like everything else!

  9. I t may have been cold but the light was good for getting the details!

  10. A grand entrance, love the details!

  11. Oh my goodness, there is a lot of lovely and exquisite designs on this building, even the color is pretty.

  12. In Chicago these buildings are called "Richardson" after the architect who designed many of them. Others just refer to them as Romanesque because they use the Roman arch. Always loved them.

  13. I've passed by this one, but I've never photographed it. It is impressive, Pat!

  14. Very stately. Glad it got historic designation.

  15. Reminds me a lot of Washington, D.C.'s Old Post Office that is currently being renovated for new use.

  16. It is a grand facade. The pedestrians add to the photo too.

  17. What a magnificent entrance! I would love to be able to see the whole building.

  18. Good facade. Here also is very cold, Pat :((

  19. RedPat, the detailing on that building is just wonderful. And I like your placement of the woman walking through the center of the scene.
