Sunday, February 1, 2015

Theme Day - What I Would Miss About My City

The theme for February 1 for the City Daily bloggers community is "what would I most miss about my city if I had to leave it?" Well, I have been ruminating for weeks about this one - I would miss the laneways, the murals, the public art, the architecture, the old homes of the Annex & Yorkville, Casa Loma, Kensington Market, etc.  I guess you get the picture! I think what I would miss most would be the flavour of the city which all these things blend together to create. So for my pic, I give you a shot of the skyline taken from the dock at the Toronto Island showing the CN Tower which is visible from all over the city and lets me know I am home.
To see other samples of this theme from all over the world, click HERE.


  1. For sure there's MUCH to love about Toronto, RedPat! Even I - a country bumpkin - have to admit that. :))

  2. That is one spectacular photo of the skyline! Perfect lighting!

  3. Great city I would like to live there... I think it is a better place where there are too many countrues, nationalities and problems..Safer place I think

  4. I would like to say it is a better place than Europe...

  5. sneaky way to fit it all in, but i understand that. :)

  6. Very succinct Pat, I can so see why you love your city.. and it is a wee bit like mine right :)

  7. Love your choice for the theme day. Well done!

  8. Yes,taking in the whole view of the ever changing skyline! (that is something I miss about Hamilton - having a nice city view from the lake!)

  9. And this is a gorgeous way of showing it!

  10. I have only been to Toronto once. Too short a visit. Hope to visit it again one day. Been enjoying this theme through other bloggers. Wonderful shot!

  11. What a gorgeous skyline! I would miss that too!

  12. Toronto has a lot going for it.

  13. I would agree. That sense of "home" is important.

  14. An amazing skyline and an excellent choice for this theme day...

  15. Spectacular photo and good choice for this theme !

  16. You ARE the soul of Toronto to us your friends!

    ALOHA from Honolulu

  17. Great picture and you described the "what would be missed so much" very well.
    I miss Istanbul (lived in 13 years) in a similar way, when I visit today, it is not the same. Because the city continues to evolve after we leave.

  18. Beautiful photo and such a great post for Theme Day!

  19. What a superb photograph. I was thinking all you need to say is you miss "Toronto"! That would cover all the bases!

  20. I was curious what you would choose. Toronto seems to have so many different elements that have featured prominently on your blog. So, "everything" wins out! Most appropriate.

  21. It is such a dramatic skyline, particularly at night.

  22. I've visited Toronto only twice but I understand your point. There are few cities that are more cosmopolitan.

  23. Awesome skyline with lovely lights.
    Great choice for the theme.

  24. I do miss Toronto still sometimes, especially the food. And (this is maybe bad to admit) The Canadian Superstore.
    Love your choice for the theme. You got this skyline shot at just the right moment. Love the sky and the twinkling lights.

  25. Wonderful looking skyline!

  26. I totally understand what you mean Pat - and what an amazing view!

  27. Casa Loma and the Market attraction.

    I am a Canadian and yes the spotlight is dazzling C.N. tower.

    Did you know we are #1 in the World Toronto for Visitors admiring also our friendliness and movie stars adore Toronto.

    Was on the news the other day and in paper. May we be proud. I am.

  28. I can totally agree with your list, as those are the same things tourists would enjoy checking out too!

  29. Very convincing story and photo. Both make me want to visit!

  30. What a spectacular scene. I love it and can see why you might hold it in high regard too.

  31. Oh, you have expressed and captured the feeling perfectly. It was indeed a difficult assignment and your words help complete the sentiment of the photo.


  32. Parece una postal de navidad:)))
